פרופ' נועם מזרחי ירצה בסמינר מרכז אוריון

ג', 16/03/202118:15
פרופ' נועם מזרחי

Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Orion Center Greenfield Scholars’ Seminar:


Towards a New Interpretation of the Cycle of Tongues in the Eighth Sabbath Song


Prof. Noam Mizrahi

Department of Bible, The Hebrew University


Chair: Prof. Esther Chazon

Director, The Orion Center

Department of Hebrew Literature, The Hebrew University


Tuesday, 16 March 2021

at 18:15 Israel time, 11:15 a.m. EST


A Zoom link will be sent out a few days before the meeting.

The lecture will be held in English.

​Please feel free to share the attached invitation with interested colleagues.

Looking forward to seeing you there!