פרופ' טימותי לים ירצה בסמינר מרכז אוריון

ה', 05/11/202018:00
פרופ' טימותי לים

Please see the notice below of a Zoom discussion on Prof. TImothy Lim's new Pesher Habakkuk commentary.  Registration is free but required (link is below). Please note: 4:00 pm GMT is 6:00 pm Israel time and 11:00 am EST.  



The Centre for the Study of Christian Origins (CSCO) at the University of Edinburgh (New College) will be hosting a Zoom reading group this upcoming Thursday, 5 November at 4:00 pm (GMT) to discuss Professor Timothy Lim’s newest book: The Earliest Commentary on the Prophecy of Habakkuk (OUP, 2020)


Timothy Lim is Professor of Hebrew Bible & Second Temple Judaism in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. The Earliest Commentary on the Prophecy of Habakkukis the first major commentary on Pesher Habakkuk in 40 years. The commentary includes both a detailed textual analysis of Pesher Habakkuk as well as a broad discussion of the historical and theological themes present in the scroll. The volume is the first to be published in the Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls (OCDSS), a new commentary series that aims to provide those interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls with scholarship that is both accessible and of the highest level. 


Professor Carol Newsom (Emory University), who is currently working on The Thanksgiving Scroll volume in the OCDSS commentary series, will be joining the discussion, along with Professor Philip Alexander (University of Manchester). 


Those interested in attending this exciting discussion are warmly invited, and asked to RSVP online at the link below in order to be sent the Zoom link on the day of the meeting:  




You are also invited to enter a question on the RSVP form, or to come ready with your questions on Thursday. This is an excellent new book in an exciting new series, and a great opportunity to engage in the latest research surrounding the Dead Sea Scrolls.