אסף גייר ירצה בסמינר מרכז אוריון

ג', 27/04/202118:00
אסף גייר

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Orion Center Greenfield Scholars’ Seminar:


“A New Material Reconstruction of 4QIsaiahc (4Q57)

and its Potential Background”


Mr. Asaf Gayer

Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Bible, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Orion Research Scholar, 2020/2021


Chair: Prof. Jonathan Ben-Dov

Department of Bible, Tel-Aviv University


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

18:00 –19:30 Israel time;

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT

 A Zoom link will be sent out a few days before the meeting.

The lecture will be held in English.

​Please feel free to share the attached invitation with interested colleagues.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

